I've had some time to think about it now, and if I could have that conversation again, here is what I would say:
"Breast Milk actually sets the standard for what your baby needs. We often say it is 'ideal' or 'nature's perfect' food for baby. However, it really is the norm. Anything else is substandard. Breastmilk is a living fluid filled with antibodies, enzymes, proteins and nutrients that are specifically designed for your baby. In fact, your breast milk changes as your baby grows.

"No formula has ever been created to even attempt to replicate the properties of colostrum. So even if a mother isn't planning to breastfeed, we encourage her to pump her colostrum and give that to her baby.
"Between the 2nd and 6th day of baby's life, your breast milk "comes in." The breasts fill up and begin producing more copious supplies of milk designed to fill baby up and help baby achieve optimal growth. Actually for about the first two weeks, colostrum is still present in the milk, so we call it "transitional milk."
"Your milk changes from morning to evening and continues to evolve to meet your growing baby's needs. In the morning you have a more abundant supply of milk, but in the evening it is higher in long-chain fatty acids. No man-made substance can copy these diurnal variations!"
That is what I would have said if I had been able to collect my thoughts quickly enough. And I would have told her that when her baby gets a little older, the amount of free formula she gets won't be enough to satisfy him, so she'll still end up buying formula. Then I might have added that by not providing breast milk for her baby, she is increasing her baby's risk of developing a myriad of health problems from juvenile diabetes to obesity to childhood leukemia.
Do you think it would have made a difference?
You never know what will resonate with a person. Maybe she'll even be lucky enough to read your post. If you did not succeed at changing this person's decision, you planted a seed. Maybe it will grow, if not for this baby but for her future babies or people she may influence. Just hearing the word "breastfeeding," being in the environment of your store, and seeing other moms breastfed definitely brings about awareness. Awareness eventually leads to tolerance, acceptance, and change. Change occurs slowly. We have to trust that what occurred was meant to happen in the greater scheme of things. You provide a wonderful ministry to this community in a large way! Thank you!