Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Waiting on the Perfect Timing

Angela at 36 weeks. She is a tremendous inspiration!
By Glenni Lorick, IBCLC
Yesterday morning I listened to a conference call with one of the most inspirational people I know, Angela Loehr Chrysler. She is 38 weeks pregnant, and very ready to have her baby! Yet the focus of her comments was the importance of waiting on the right timing. She summed it up this way: "I believe in God's perfect timing, greatness is in store for you! Remember waiting on His timing is not always easy...but always worth it. Pray through your impatient moments & trust in the journey."

Perfect Timing in Childbirth

When you are at the end of your pregnancy, you are so ready for baby to be born. When a well-meaning doctor offers to schedule an induction, be sure to carefully evaluate the risks. If your body isn't ready to go into labor, then you may end up on the downhill road to major surgery instead of a much safer vaginal delivery. Your baby is also placed at increased risk for temperature instability, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, apnea and bradycardia, and clinical jaundice.

Every mother who has ever gone into labor naturally at 39, 40, 41 or even 42 weeks knows how challenging it is to wait for your body to be ready. But if you can, as Angela says, pray through your impatient moments and trust in the journey, it will definitely be worth it because your baby will be born when he or she is ready. The likelihood of complications is reduced, and the probability that your baby will be able to breastfeed well is increased.
From The Litter Box

Perfect Timing in Parenting

Often as parents we are eager for our children (especially the first one) to hit the next milestone, whether it is rolling over, crawling, taking a sippy cup, walking or starting to read. But it is so rewarding to just relax and enjoy the ride. You are on an amazing journey with your child; the scenery changes as you move forward, so be sure to drink in every moment. Don't be so focused on the next big step that you miss today's smile or new word. You are the only real expert on your baby, on your toddler, on your child, on your teen, so don't let somebody else's expectations force you and your child into a pace that isn't right for you.

One of the most rewarding things for a parent is seeing your child accomplish great things. A baby gaining weight on his mama's milk is doing something amazing! A toddler learning to put away his toys is accomplishing something really important. A young child sounding out his first words is on the verge of the amazing accomplishment of learning to read. Celebrate the moments of greatness in your child's life. It's a really big deal, so make sure that they know you are proud of them!

Tomorrow is my 9th grade son's awards assembly at school. I don't know what he will receive, but I've been invited, so he's getting something. You better believe I am taking off the afternoon because I want to celebrate his success! Look for ways to celebrate any victory your children have, however big or small it might be.

Perfect Timing in Life

Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a mom employed outside the home, or a mompreneur, recognizing that the combination of a positive, optimistic attitude and a willingness to wait on the right timing is a critical key to genuine fulfillment. Every person has the potential for greatness. One of my deepest joys at A Nurturing Moment has been to see our moms taking leadership and creating opportunities for other mothers to get help, support and encouragement. These moms are doing great things at the right time in the right place. 

Wherever you are in life, you can do amazing things. Braiding your little girl's hair, nursing your chubby-cheeked little boy, reading "one more" bedtime story to your tired toddler, helping your frustrated fifth grader with her homework, taking cupcakes to lunch at your child's school - all of these are great things! Take just a minute today to enjoy and appreciate all that you are and have. Then smile at the future because you have even greater things to do tomorrow!

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